Assassins Creed Odyssey Download for PC FREE is an Action, Adventure, and Open World pc game. The released date of the game is 3 6 Oct 2018. It is developed and published by Ubisoft. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Full Version PC Game is now available on ” PCFreeNow “.Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Cover , PC Game , Full Version
” Reviews – Gameplay – Highly Compressed – screenshots – PS4 “
Assassins Creed Odyssey PC Game Download is definitely a good game. However, it does compete with Origins in terms of character development and the setting. The story and plot are good but not well implemented. Sometimes it is illegal to follow the natural part of the story. This is a good joke to tell but in a nutshell.

What really hurts the story is the dialogue of the character within the dialogue and the reactions that result from it. Some conversations are just nonsense. Some choices are neither good nor bad, just as stupid. From pure happiness to grief and anger and in this short conversation to return to happiness. It is either poor writing (and quality control) or everyone is suffering from bipolar disorder. I don’t usually deal with these issues, but in the AC Odyssey download, it’s very bad. Very immersive breaker So much so that I no longer care what I have to do or why, I just want to complete this mission and move on to the next part.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Game Screenshot 1

Gameplay: In-depth:

General information:

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Download PC follows the original in its footsteps, pulling back its template and developing a secret experience. Borrows from the best designs in the open world. Every area and island in Greece has been extensively rebuilt with a startling attention to detail. A new feature of Explorer, called Explorer Mode, reduces game suggestions by eliminating paths and replacing them with three clues, giving players more space to figure out where to go.

This is the first episode of Assassin’s Creed 1 in which we are asked if we want to play a male or female character: Alexis or Cassandra. It doesn’t matter, our choice here, the following will remain the same and the brothers will simply exchange places in the statement.

Speaking of choices, we can now choose from a variety of answers during conversations: asking for more information, accepting or rejecting a job, or the very binary choices of good and bad work in which we have to decide. To kill or have mercy on an enemy. All of this will ultimately shape our character towards one of the many endings of the Odyssey. However, this system can sometimes feel bad.

Game Story:

We begin our story in the Gulf of Corinth region of California, as a Spartan outlook on the island since we were raised as children. The past is not forgotten about our character, and it will suddenly come to haunt us, and force us to travel to the safe shores of California, and stop the trap of lies that we Will be naked The branches of the story are in many different directions and the choices we make take us to different endings.

In the Odyssey, the enemy goes by the name of Cult of Cosmos, which is none other than the Templars as we know them. Discovering the cult will open a new menu through which we will take a look at the entire cult chain of command. Although at first, cultists are unreliable, killing members of sects and gathering more information will give us a chance to identify and locate them.


Combat is divided into three skills: Hunter, Warrior, Assassin. Each of them has a number of skills that can be combined and are used to create different combinations that allow different approaches. We have 4 skill slots in common between Warrior and Haasan skills and 4 more slots for Hunter skills only.

Like Leonidas kicked people off the mountain at 300? We can do it, In every battle in which I was engaged, I could experiment with a vast array of unique estimates that would enable me to lure my enemies to my death or to engage in battle. The animations are smooth and the dodging and pairing mechanics, at first seem a bit strange, will come naturally only after it is hanged.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Game Screenshot 2


  1. A deep, long, and decent central story that takes 30-50 hours.
  2. A very large and detailed world in which to do and discover. If you want to do everything, it will easily take 100 hours or more. So, better tell your friends and family that you don’t have much time for them and ask for some vacation.
  3. A beautiful underwater world with sharks, lots of fish, mantas, and whales.
  4. Marine fighter returned by AC III, black flags, and bullies.
  5. The voice actors are amazing. I have played with Cassandra in German.
  6. The soundtrack is always amazing. (Especially the different versions of the Ezio family.)
  7. Many features like photo format, discoverer eagle, automatic walking
  8. New free content. Mastery System, Discovery Tour, Story Creator, and so on.


  1. Many “places of interest” only copy and paste caves/camps
  2. Stupid Animal AI
  3. Ubisoft went full on one of these RPGs (character + equipment stats)
  4. The level cap is too high at 99
  5. The days of Chikoor Parkour passed in unity
  6. Warrior Customization Trash

Technical Analysis:

Amazing that you can leave Agap out of your mouth. The world is green, vibrant with the effects of amazing light (it dies while exploring the forest at sunset), and full of bustling places. The ruins and sunken temples we can find under the sea are as beautiful as a handful of sea creatures.

Of particular note is the Odyssey’s ambient music. On many occasions, during the search, it felt like being thrown back into the sky. It’s nice, comfortable, pleasing to the ears, but it also goes beyond war themes, which are fast-paced.

The game runs particularly well and I haven’t had much fuss. However, after playing for a few hours without a break, something started to freeze.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PC Game Screenshot 3

System Requirements of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Game

Minimum system requirements of the game:
  1. OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
  2. Processor: AMD FX 6300 @ 3.8 GHz, Ryzen 3 – 1200, Intel Core i5 2400 @ 3.1 GHz
  3. Memory: 8 GB RAM
  4. Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 285, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
  5. Hard Drive: 46+ GB available space

Installation Method of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey For PC?

Follow the given below steps to install it on your PC :
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey”  folder.
  3. Click on the “Setup.exe” and install it.
  4. After installation complete, go to the folder where you extract the game.
  5. Open the “Crack” folder, copy all files and paste it where you install the game.
  6. Click on the “ACOdyssey” icon to play the game.
File Size: 52.1 GB Download Here

Written by PCFreeNow

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