Download COD Black Ops 1 For PC 

Call of Duty Black Ops is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and published by Activation. It was released for PC on November 9, 2010. Call of Duty is the seventh installment in Call of Duty Series.

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Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Cover, Full Version, Free PC Game,

COD: Black Ops 1 Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 Download PC begins the story of Alex Mason, a CIA operative who was brainwashed and is now seeking revenge, and most importantly, his seriousness can be recaptured. ۔ The campaign is full of epic moments and plot twists that you get in just one franchise’s Call of Duty capability, and it’s a great run overall. To further enhance your experience, I recommend playing hard or experienced. The campaign is a million times better than that. Why? Because it turns from an arcade “run and gun” shooter to a Call of Duty where you are some kind of super soldier in a game where you actually have to use tactics to stay alive. I guarantee you won’t need a single grenade for less trouble. But, once it gets tough, call of duty black ops 1 ps4 you have to use full weapons at your disposal. Because you can’t be in a hurry on the bus and not be a built-in sponge-like many people use you when running a CoD campaign. It counts every moment, every checkpoint is a great relief, and every battle is a fierce confrontation. These difficulties involve the same amount of health as the player, which gives the playing field the status of the evening. The game has really beautiful scenery and level, it feels polished overall and the story has me hooked till the end. The graphics are beautiful, the levels are very different and many of them look amazing. The smoke effects are very similar to other things. All the sounds and voices are great. The competitions are very different, you will drive cars, helicopters, boats, motorcycles, use stationery guns, explosives, and much more. The story is one of the series (if not the best), so the style of the story is presented. Memories came to Mason’s mind, and as we travel past we see the difficulties he faced in fulfilling his missions. There is so much to say without going into too much detail. Zombies are amazing, nothing to say, just enjoy getting these high rounds on Five and Canoe with their friends, and sometimes leave DeadOps.

COD: Black Ops 1 Screen Shots

Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Screen Shot 1, Full Version, Free PC Game, Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Screen Shot 2, Full Version, Free PC Game,
Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Screen Shot 3, Full Version, Free PC Game,System Requirements of Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Game

Minimum system requirements of  Call of Duty Black Ops 1 are given below.

  1. OS: Microsoft Windows Vista / XP / 7
  2. Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750
  3. Memory: 2 GB of RAM
  4. Graphics: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon X1950Pro
  5. Hard Drive: 12 GB of free hard disk space
Installation Method of Call of Duty Black Ops 1 For PC?
Follow the given below steps to install Call of Duty Black Ops 1 into your PC.
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “Call of Duty Black Ops 1.PCFreeNow” folder.
  3. Click on “Setup.exe” and Install the game.
  4. After Installation, go to the folder where you install Call of Duty Black Ops 1.
  5. Open the “Crack” folder, copy all files and paste it where you install the game.
  6. Click on the “BlackOps” icon to play the game.
Call of Duty Black Ops Free Download
File Size: 7.28 GB

Written by PCFreeNow

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