Deathloop PC Game Free Download. It is now available on PCFreeNow. Deathloop Full Version With the direct, Highly Compressed, and single download link.

Deathloop Cover, PC Game
Screenshots – Reviews – For PC – Highly Compressed – PC Game – Free Download
Game Title: Deathloop
Game Developer: Arkane Studios
Game Publisher:  Bethesda Softworks
Initial Release Date: 14 Sep, 2021
Genre: Action, First-Person, Shooter, Stealth

Deathloop seems like it was made for a specific audience. Most of the reviews complain about the maps being small, the game being repetitive, etc, and I can understand people finding it somewhat repetitive, however, at its core, when you use its instructions correctly, examine the maps carefully and connect the clues, staying there single loop is different.

Deathloop is a First Person Shooter developed by Arkane Studios, which has previously released games like Dishonored and Prey.

Deathloop Screenshot 1, Free Download

Player character Colt is trapped on an island in a Groundhog Day-style time loop caused by some kind of science experiment, and the only way to break the loop is to kill the six bosses whose life forces provide loop power.


Time loop stories have been done often in various movies, TV shows, and games. This one is fairly standard, but I felt like the ending left some of the more ambiguous questions unanswered. A lot of the information comes from reading notes and listening to audio tapes, so it’s possible that I missed some things by not exploring thoroughly.

Deathloop Screenshot 2, Full Version Game

The best part of the story is the teasing and banter between Colt and Julianna, who contact each other over the radio multiple times a day. I got the impression that they simultaneously hate each other while enjoying their rivalry. They must have a lot of unique dialogue because I don’t remember the repetition in all the loops I played through.


  • The island has four places you can visit at four different times of the day. Depending on when you choose to visit an area, different events will occur, enemy locations will change, and there will be minor changes to the layout of the map such as whether or not a door is locked. There are also a few situations where your actions will have consequences later in the day.
  • If Colt dies or reaches the end of the day, he’ll wake up back at the start of the loop. However, the game isn’t as punishing as it sounds. Colt has a special ability called Reprise, which allows him to respawn twice in the same area, so it basically takes three deaths to reset the loop. And right at the beginning of the game, you will unlock the ability to permanently store weapons and other upgrades to your future inventory.
  • Weapons include rifles, shotguns, bolt action rifles, sniper rifles, nail guns, and smgs. Higher quality versions of each weapon will have special effects like bullets that explode or leeching enemy health back to you, and mod slots that allow you to customize weapons with things like better accuracy and fast reloading. You can also hack enemy turrets and take them to move them (like Prey).
  • Some bosses have their own unique special powers that you can collect and equip after killing them. My favorites were very similar to the powers from Dishonored – the shift allows you to teleport across gaps, up to building roofs, or right behind an unsuspecting enemy, and the nexus connects these enemies close together that killing one kills them all.
  • The third power turns you invisible for a while, and there are two others I didn’t use. Killing the same boss multiple times allows you to upgrade this power with additional effects.


Deathloop is completely drenched in style and is a great-looking game. The vistas of the Black Reef are full of interesting places for you to visit and explore and each place has different variations. So for example each area can be tested at different times of the day. At one point in the day, it is a bustling sunny wonderland, but later it snows and there are fewer people.

Deathloop Screenshot 3, Setup For PC

It’s drenched in that 60’s style, with human costumes and other items very reflective of the era, the game even has a James Bond-esque theme song (but more on that later). Very visually appealing, especially when everything is set to ultra.

However, it is not without issues. A lot of the character models are visually pretty much identical and the executions are sometimes visually rough, especially the ones you do with your machete.


The Deathloop soundtrack is the main highlight. It has a nice Jazz Esque soundtrack that also adapts to the in-game action. When you get into a firefight when stealth is broken it’s a very heavy jazzy soundtrack, meanwhile, when you’re in stealth it’s much calmer. You could also stumble upon enemies partying and listening to music or even playing music themselves which was a lot of fun.

My only issue is the voice acting. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, because it’s not, it’s really good. Everyone does their part super well, especially Julianna and Colt. But sometimes when Colt talks, there’s a weird audio echo like the player is being recorded on a completely different mic or something.


Deathloop is a good game that should be enjoyed by fans of First Person Shooters, and especially fans of other Arkane games, although I would advise waiting for a sale.

Overall, comfortable and good. While I’m a little disappointed this isn’t Dishonored 3 or Prey 2, first impressions are as good as playing any Arkane Studio game. It’s worth a look

System Requirements of Deathloop Game

Minimum system requirements of the game:
  1. OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
  2. Processor: Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.80GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  3. Memory: 12 GB RAM
  4. Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 (6GB) or AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB)
  5. Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
  6. DirectX: Version 12

How to Install Deathloop For PC?

Follow the given below steps to install it on your PC :
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “Deathloop Game”  folder.
  3. Click on “Setup” and install it.
  4. After installation is complete, go to the folder where you extracted the game.
  5. Open the “EMPRESS” folder, copy files and paste them into the installed folder.
  6. Click on the “Deathloop” icon to play the game.
File Size: 29.6 GB Download Here

Written by PCFreeNow

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