DEVOUR Game for PC FREE Download is an Action, Atmospheric, Horror and Survival Horror PC Game. The released date of DEVOUR game is 28 Jan 2021. It is developed by Joe Fender, Luke Fanning and published by Straight Back Games. DEVOUR Download Full Version PC Game is available on PCFreeNow.You can find Screenshots, reviews, system requirements, and much more.
DEVOUR Download Cover
DEVOUR PC Game Download is best played with voice chat with a group of friends so you can hear each other’s screams and screams all over the map. The graphics are very good and the AI ​​is a bit smart (which is a good thing). We completed the routine after a few games with an integrated team, but the nightmare problem ruined us all, so if you enjoy a challenge, you’ll find it here. I would recommend this game to everyone who enjoys a good fear and some problem-solving elements. Hope to see some updates in the future, but I wouldn’t be mad if it all happened.
DEVOUR Download Screenshot 1 , Full Game, Free DownloadIf you like Pacific, you will probably enjoy DEVOUR PC Game. Both games have the same mechanics (where you have to combine certain things for “tasks”), except that Pacific is a bit difficult, in my opinion. With at least two people, it’s difficult. Dewar’s foundation is basically about eliminating the leader of your past sect because he is very much under the control of the devil that he has been trying to summon for years, Azel. You run around and try to collect a goat to burn on the altar outside (in Pacific, it’s like collecting and burning a baby doll).

DEVOUR PC Game Free Download

It’s not the best game ever, but I played with three friends and we had a great time. It’s scary at first, but you’ll get used to it quickly, and then it’ll start to get a little difficult. But it’s not as bad as it sounds. When you win your first game, it opens up a “nightmare” game mode, and it gives you a new skin that’s great. I think it’s easy to convince the little ghost girl in Pfaff who is a professional leader in Dewar, and then if your peers cut you off you will definitely miss the game. There are demons crawling around you that kill you with UV flashlights.

DEVOUR Download Screenshot 2 , Full Game, Free Download

– It will be a very interesting and exciting game if you play with your friends.
– New content keeps coming up all the time.
– Game does not eat specification

–  Jumps Care is scary for people who are scared.
– If there are no friends to play with, I can say that it is very difficult. This game is based on a lot of communication.

DEVOUR Download Screenshot 3 , Full Game, Free DownloadOverall this game is great with friends. so I think it’s worth it for a new experience in the cooperative horror genre. Also, supportive hints: Before burning any goat, collect all the gas cans and keep the altar money on the necessary equipment.

System Requirements of DEVOUR Game

Minimum system requirements of the game:
  1. OS: Windows 10 – 64 bit
  2. Processor: Intel i5 or new-gen i3 / AMD equivalent
  3. Memory: 8 GB RAM
  4. Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
  5. Hard Drive: 4 GB available space

Installation Method of DEVOUR?

Follow the given below steps to install it on your PC :
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “DEVOUR” folder.
  3. Click on “Setup” and Install the game.
  4. Click on the “DEVOUR” icon to play the game.
File Size: 2.1 GB Download Here

Written by PCFreeNow

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