Ghostlore PC Game Free Download. It is now available on PCFreeNow. Ghostlore Full Version With the direct, Highly Compressed, and single download link.

Ghostlore Cover, Free Game Download
” Screenshots – Reviews – Specs – Compressed – PC Games
Game Title: Ghostlore
Game Developer: Andrew Teo, Adam Teo
Game Publisher:  AT-AT Games
Initial Release Date: 14 Apr 2022
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG

Ghostlore is a love letter to ARPGs. The developers are a small team but personally heavily involved and seem to be paying a lot of attention to this game.

A very interesting and innovative approach to Diablo’s classic ARPG experience. I would like to look for more games in the genre in other less western settings. There are some flaws here and there and there needs to be some balance but the aesthetics are fantastic and the gameplay is totally fun. My only real suggestion would be to add more cultural background information to those of us who want to know more about science and history.Ghostlore Screenshot 1, Full Version

It’s a very good ARPG, but only a few things need to be fixed in order for it to become a ‘big ARPG’. First, the inventory is very small, firstly, you should be able to see the animals and little things on the mini-map, and thirdly, your animals should be displayed at the top right (as they are in Diablo 2 or Titan Quest ).

Graphics & Environment

The game is amazing to me visually, it is always true to its art style. I especially enjoy the love and attention to the surrounding elements on a map. My two points of criticism are:

  • The shortage of people, the seaport is known to always be around 4-5 million people, but there is no life in the city.
  • The production of the visual side of the map is sometimes slightly more oppressive than the visual.

Ghostlore Screenshot 2, Compressed Game

Games & Mechanics

First of all, I like the fact that I feel strong with my character, and your strength also goes well with the extra difficulty when raising your level. My main problems were with the controls, I was going to try WASD but I could not make friends with the mouse-controlled system. I played Diablo 3 and it worked perfectly, but it is very compatible in Ghostlore and definitely needs to be reworked a bit.
Loot requires a bit of nice harmony, Glyphs are mixed with coding the same colors as weapons, components, and many other things, just a little too much to get an idea.
For me, the great positives of the game design are the character. I love that I can double the level of my device by updating its level, adding sockets, and removing and adding sockets. Yes, it comes at a cost, but they are great systems that allow if I wanted to leave my favorite gadgets throughout the game. This game will allow you to build your dream character while also respecting your time.

Story & Depth

I still haven’t gone very far to be right, but I think there is a lot of potentials. Now, it seems that the construction of the world is more in the early stages, but a solid foundation has been laid. This game pays homage to the culture and folklore that are generally not given to Asian-inspired games. I want to encourage developers to stay on track and add depth and continue to love it.Ghostlore Screenshot 3 PC Version


I personally really enjoyed this game. So far I’ve only been around for about 3 hours, but I love it and I will definitely continue. The $ 15-16 price tag maybe a little too much for the state in which the game is currently played. I would still like to add perspective to this: I really know that this game will have hours of content for me in the future. If I calculate the time/money ratio, then this game will pay off over time and I want to support the devs for the great work they have done so far.

Overall I am very happy with this so far. The food system is really nice (I love that they use real pictures for food), and the glyph system is interesting and has potential. I can’t wait to spend more time in this game and see where it goes!

System Requirements of Ghostlore Game

Minimum system requirements of the game:
  1. OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  2. Processor: Intel Core i3
  3. Memory: 4 GB RAM
  4. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 510
  5. Hard Drive: 500 MB available space

How to Install Ghostlore For PC?

Follow the given below steps to install it on your PC :
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “Ghostlore Game”  folder.
  3. Click on the “Ghostlore” icon to play the game.
  4. This Game is Pre-Installed Which means You Don’t need to install this game. Instantly Play!

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File Size: 107.57 MB Download Here

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