The Curse of Monkey Island PC Game Free Download. It is now available on PCFreeNow. The Curse of Monkey Island Full Version With the direct, Highly Compressed, and single download link.The Curse of Monkey Island Cover , Free Download

” Screenshots – Reviews – Specs – Compressed – PC Games
Game Title: The Curse of Monkey Island
Game Developer: LucasArts
Game Publisher:  LucasArts, Lucasfilm, Disney
Initial Release Date: 31 Oct 1997
Genre: Adventure
Platform(s) Macintosh | Combined View, Windows

This third installment of Monkey Island, like its predecessors, is a comic puzzle-solving adventure game. The game includes cartoon-style SVGA graphics and (for the first time in the series) voiceover for all conversations. The interface no longer includes a list of functions that occupy a portion of the screen. Instead, it follows the same principle as the full-throttle: the player first chooses what to interact with, then the action from the menu that appears. Like the other game, Monkey Island Curse has two levels of difficulty.The Curse of Monkey Island Screenshot 1 , Free PC Game


What I like most about The Curse of Monkey Island is humor. Most of it is from subtle and clever jokes to loud moments. I mean, this game is funny, and if it doesn’t make you crazy at least once or twice, I don’t know what will happen. And I think it makes the game a lot easier to play because the dialogue is so funny that you want to hear as much as you can while playing it to make sure you never miss an important point. This article is one of the best Lucas Arts games I’ve ever played, with some of the best Star Wars quotes.


The great thing about this game, which counts for all the Lucas Arts games of the time, is that the puzzles are designed in such a way that it is impossible for you to adapt to the game and you Will never find yourself In a situation where you can’t move forward because you lost an important part of an item or information, something that really makes the game playable today.

The controls are as intuitive as you would expect. Except for the classic SCUMM interface of the first two games, the game instead uses a much simpler “coin” that you can access by pressing the mouse button on objects.The Curse of Monkey Island Screenshot 2 , PC Version


The graphical style of the game is also incredibly good. While this is quite different from the more realistic drawing style of the first two games and goes for a more cartoonish style, I think it really fits into the game environment and helps give it a very different mood which maybe You could not have obtained it otherwise.

Sound: 10/10

And the sound … well I can’t quite appreciate the sound of this game. The voice acting is clearly brilliant and I like how many personalities the voice actors add to the characters. My favorite is to be Dominic Armato, who for the first time in the series has voiced Guy Brush (although he has also voiced it in the HD remasters of the first two games). His humorous timing is such that it hurts and his voice is now so synonymous with the character that I can’t even imagine anyone else would give him a voice honestly.The Curse of Monkey Island Screenshot 3 , Full Setup


Probably the best of all the point-and-click adventure games of the 90s, a genre that is now largely extinct but popular at the time. I haven’t played it in ages but it’s amazingly well maintained and it’s just as much fun as it used to be. It’s not as hard as I think, but then when I first played it I was very young. For a game made in 1997, the graphics and animation style looks great in 2020, but obviously, it’s not in HD or anything. Recommended!

System Requirements of The Curse of Monkey Island Game

Minimum system requirements of the game:
  1. OS: Windows XP/Vista/7(SP1+)/8/10
  2. Processor: 700 MHz
  3. Memory: 256 MB RAM
  4. Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7
  5. DirectX: 9.0
  6. Hard Drive: 40 MB available space
  7. Sound Card: 16-bit sound card

How to Install The Curse of Monkey Island For PC?

Follow the given below steps to install it on your PC :
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open the “The Curse of Monkey Island Game”  folder.
  3. Click on the “CMI” icon to play the game.
  4. It is a Pre-Installed Game !! That means this game is already installed in the folder !! no need to Install it…

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File Size: 0.98 GB Download Here

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