Download Vice wave Full Version For PC

Vice wave Download for PC FREE is a Action , Open World video game.It was released on 23 Dec, 2020 for PC developed and published by CyberMotion Games.Vicewave Download Free PC Game Very soon, he will create his own criminal empire, built on drug sales and he will become the most influential drug center in the city of Los Riveros!
Vice wave free download – Screenshots- Review- gameplay – Vice Wave Latest pc game
Vice Wave , Box, Full Version, Free PC Game,
Vicewave download for pc free is still in early access, but I’m sure it has a lot of potential.No doubt it’s inspired by GTA games download, I’m sure a lot of people see the similarities in the trailer.And when you play the game you will see it in other details of the game.They call it a ‘GTA clone’, but it seems to have done well this time around.

The open world also has a lot to offer, with a wide range of locations, each with activities and / or missions.
There’s a weapons store, an armored shop, Vice wave PC Game Free Download a clothing store, a nightclub, a bank and much more, lots of map icons and I haven’t found any of them yet.
You can also raid all these stores and earn extra money.

The game takes the player from the beginning of a campaign, but the player is free to do whatever he wants during the campaign.
The missions and instructions for following the missions are clearly indicated, everything is well named, often even by the AI ​​that guides you.
The ultimate goal of the game is to build a criminal empire and become rich through criminal activities.

The dialogues in the game are not permanent texts that make time boring but with effective voice acting.Subtitles are also available for the course.
The delightful vapor atmosphere and neon effects also make this style of game a magnificent and pure eye candy for the fans and also with a great matching soundtrack.

Vice Wave Screen Shot 1, Full Version, Free PC Game,

The game has a ton of potential but there are some things that really need to change.

  1. Guns feel very weak and the player’s health is very low
  2. We need a cover because there is no reliable way to avoid the most accurate fire of the enemy.
  3. The city needs more pedestrians and cars to fill incredibly empty streets.
  4. Checkpoints and drop-off scenes. If you fail the mission, you have to start all over again and watch boring cut scenes again and again.
  5. Make enemies less powerful. On one mission I hurriedly attacked with a dagger and the enemy hit me so fast that I could do nothing about it. Also, the role is far from over so I just died and had to restart the whole mission.

Vice Wave Screen Shot 2, Full Version, Free PC Game, Vice Wave Screen Shot 3, Full Version, Free PC Game,Ok enjoy the game…. and paper as this game is amazing. I’m having a blast playing this game and can’t wait to see what’s included in the upcoming updates! However, I would like to add some features such as your gang members fighting with you or protecting you from the police. It would also be nice to have a feature where rival groups attack your area. And the roads may be smoother or at least some more cars on the side of the road. But other than that I can’t wait to see the future of this game and I think it will be a bright one! well to say !!

System Requirements of Vicewave Game
Minimum system requirements of Vicewave are given below.
  1. OS: Windows 7
  2. Processor: Intel Core i5-2550K
  3. Memory:6 GB RAM
  4. Graphics:  Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2 GB
  5. Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Installation Method of Vicewave For PC?
Follow the given below steps to install Vicewave into your PC.
  1. Extract the file using “Winrar”.
  2. Open Vicewave.PCFreeNow” >> “Game” folder.
  3. Click on Vicewave” icon to play the game.
Vicewave 1984 Free Download
File Size: 990 MB Download Here

Written by PCFreeNow

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